Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy Weekend and BooBoos

This weekend has been quiet an eventful one and a pleasant beginning to the rush of the spring and summer seasons. We had a Toy Story birthday party on Saturday. The kids had a blast playing with friends from church we haven't seen for a while.
Saturday evening the girls had a Girl Scout birthday party to attend at the skating rink. It was the first time skating for the elder 3. Emmie just walked around the rink while the rest of us skated. I wish I had pictures of them skating, but I did not take the camera in for fear of losing it or ruining it. Ansley fell a couple of times. I was so proud of her for being a big girl, getting back up, and skating some more. After a couple hours of pain we went to the ER to find out she sprained her wrist. This being her first 'real' injury, she has handled it well. She also came home with scratches to her elbow and a beautiful abrasion and bruise on her side. All in all she had a good time.

Here is a picture of Ansley last month at her Court of Awards ceremony.
Sunday morning we visited a local church for Girl Scout Sunday. The girls in Ansley's troop shared how the Girl Scout Promise and Laws relate to scripture. They all did a fantastic job speaking in front of the congregation.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Post without a title....


love to

dress up. (and play the drums, build forts and take posed pictures, still working on that one.)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not Me Monday...on a Tuesday...

Do you feel ashamed, hoping no one saw you, at the red light, wipe your nose with your sleeve because you couldn't find a tissue in your car. Or do you feel horrible because your mother-in-law overheard you nag your husband while on the phone. Well don't be! Not Me! Monday was started by MckMama to reveal moments she would rather forget. You may find it is healing to join in.

I'll start:

I most certainly did not play the kid's new High School Musical 3 Playstation dance game before they all got a turn. I would not be so greedy as to want to 'try it out' myself.

I also did not lock myself in the bathroom just to have a 'quiet' conversation with my husband on the phone. I would never leave my children calling for me in the hallway wondering why Mommy had just left them like that and locked herself away just to talk on the phone.

And lastly, I did not eat 2 pieces of strawberry coffee cake yesterday morning. I would not ruin my 'diet' like that.

Now it is your turn to confess those imperfections. After you have created your own Not Me Monday post, you can link it here using MckLinky.